Mauro Perucchetti channels a minimal approach to painting through an intense yet controlled use of colour, brush and medium. Working in pigment, oil paint, and mixed media, Mauro challenges the fundamentals of painting, with luscious compositions of textural forms which seem to reconnect what is on the canvas to the textures of its origins on the painter's palette.
"Although not quite sculptures, the artworks are definitely three-dimensional paintings" says Mauro "this makes me think of how Enrico Castellani coined the beautifully simple description he gave to some of his work: SUPERFICI or Surfaces. Painting is intrinsically related to my emotions and experiences and SUPERFICI is the result of uncountable scans of the surroundings that my senses record while being in nature. The beauty that manifest itself with textures, colours and scents in nature becomes abstract on canvas."
These are unchartered territories, which the viewer can explore at will and marvel at the fact that they never look the same twice.
Depending on the light washing the three-dimensional surfaces of the paintings the viewer can literally get lost in a sea of colours and in the shadows and highlights created by the topography of the organic textures.
All abstract, some more minimalist and some more abstract expressionist, all are what you make of them, but all carry a distinct signature which make it difficult not to recognize the artist's sensibility intrinsic to them.
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