Throughout out my life I have always been fascinated by new materials and worked very hard at discovering new mediums for my work. This is obvious in my art.
For many, many years before I even started making Art formally, I devoted myself 100% to the arts, experimenting with forms, colours and mediums.
Some of the effects I achieved blew me away but, certainly in the early days, they often ended up being stored as prototypes, like heroes without a mission. I have now decided to expose some of those ideas to daylight.
I love Abstract as its art in its purest form, completely devoid of any restrictions.
Everything is so unique and at the same time so flexible that it changes according to individual interpretation. Abstract is a visual and emotional experience, which carries its own soul along with the ghost of the executioner, to the viewer.
A celebration of colour, form and technique, present in all Art, Unicum has a very unique fingerprint, which carries a sensuality not usually associated with the mediums I use.


Mauro Perucchetti